Sunday, March 8, 2009

So I was complaining about my kitchen again...I think I'm getting a psychosis.

I just wanted to clear the air though. I know that it's my responsibility to find a different place to live. I fully intend to. But there is a reason I haven't. I haven't moved because until this issue with the economy is resolved I don't feel secure enough to move. I just don't think it's a wise idea to move into a place with higher rent and then discover I don't have a job. I just don't feel like I can do it....I think it would be irresponsible. But I just have to vent.

I'm feeling very oppressed in this place and I need to get it off my chest. I soon as I am able to move I will. Until then, I'll need to vent every so often.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well, my minor thing is that I'm going to classes again and basically need some solutions for dinner on those days. Basically I bring breakfast and lunch almost every day (which is a victory for me)...but it's hard to bring dinners...I never know what to have.

I'm trying to save a little money because these days it feels a little irresponsible to spend more or less wantonly. My goal is to at least bring dinner once a week...but at the end of the month I may have class 4 times a week. So I definitely don't want to be eating out that many times. It is hard to resist the temptation, though.Anyone have any ideas?

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Facebook Group for Marvin Schur

My Facebook Group:Marvin Schur (93): WW II Vet Froze to Death after Electricity Cut Off


I'm so angry over this I can barely form words.

Bay City Electric and Light killed this old man. A World War II veteran no less. ABSOLUTE FUCKING BASTARDS!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oh How I Do Go On About This

I HATE my (*)&()&*Q%#$%#$% pee poor excuse for a kitchen. I HATE it! HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT!!!!

It makes me claustophobic...I try to avoid it even though I need to make food. Drives me !@#!%#^&$*&*#$%@#@!$% insane.



Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why Do I Punish Myself?

Well, it turned out that I watched horror movies for most of the weekend. Not by design, it just kind of happened.

I got home Friday, stressed out about how many people got laid off that day. It's not been a good couple of weeks at work in that regard, so I've been a bit stressed. Anyway, I got home and did my typical computer/watching tv thing. There was sweet nothing on tv and then I got to the IFC channel...Saw II was I thought I'd just watch that and find something else to watch later. Ended up I watch Saw III as well. The movies were...............unpleasant. I really should have turned it off or something...but it was kind of a morbid fascination....ugh.

Saturday was a Masters of Horror night....they actually had a couple I hadn't seen on. Masters of Horror is quite tame in comparison to Saw, I have to say...which is fine enough for me. I did rent Mirrors (with Keifer Sutherland) yesterday, but am just watching it now. Why do I punish myself?